(Ok, I know that was weird, but I'm jacked up on coffee and final projects)
When we started planning the wedding, we looked a lot at big picture stuff: the theme, the colors, the food, all of those super important details that the wedding can't move forward without.
Probably about six months into being engaged, I was looking at some of the smaller details, like whether or not we're going to have cake or cupcakes, what color shoes, who the people in the bridal party are going to be, if we want a DJ vs iPod wedding, etc.
So, now that we're a little over seven months out, I know we have lots of little details we could be focusing on- napkin colors/shades, favor manufacturing (tying ribbons, punching out holes, etc), finding gifts for bridesmaids/groomsmen...you get the idea.
However, what do I find myself thinking about?
Teeth. In particular, my teeth.
I just want to point out that those are not my teeth. And, ok, so my teeth aren't this yellow, but I'm really afraid that- because I'm going to be wearing white on my wedding day- that my teeth aren't going to look pearly fabulous, like this:
I'm sure that people aren't going to necessarily staring at my teeth during my wedding (hopefully), but I don't want to look back at my photos and stare at my teeth and think, "Why didn't I do anything about my that?"
So, I think I'm going to start trying to whiten my pearly off-whites up a bit. I do plan on taking before and after pictures of my teeth, but since I'm a bit self-conscious, I'll only post those after I can show some improvement- but I will post them. My roommate has some Rembrandt toothpaste, which I've used a few times (Thanks, Sam!) and I've been able to see a bit of a difference. I plan on buying my own tube of Rembrandt, along with either the Rembrandt teeth whitening gel (it really works, but it's a bit pricey) or crest white strips (less expensive, but possibly also less effective?). We also have a pre-brushing whitening mouth-rinse that is supposed to help, which I need to remind myself to start using more frequently.
Now, I know that I might get some flack for wanting to whiten my teeth just for my wedding, but that's not that case. I've been trying to whiten my teeth for a while, but it hasn't been on the forefront of my mind. Having the wedding looming in the future is lighting a flame under my ass to do a whole bunch of things that I've been wanting to do, but that I haven't had the ambition to do.
Skin care, for instance.
Now, I was my face everyday. However, I don't always wash my face every night before I go to bed (tsk, tsk!) and I hardly ever use my toner. If I can remind myself, though, that I am getting married in less than a year, it makes me want to push myself to look the absolute best I can. It serves as a really nice reminder to use my toner, and even when I'm not in the mood to really do the whole "wash-my-face" routine, it's a nice nudge in the right direction.
I've worked on making myself a healthier, happier person before I was engaged as well, but I always set a goal for myself- tone up before going to the water park, make my hair healthier before the summer to help prevent it from drying out so much, improve my posture for job interview, etc.
The wedding is my next big event, and I think that using it as a goal-setter is nothing I should be ashamed about. I think that if someone plans to get thinner just for their wedding, and then gain back 15, 20, 40 pounds after they get married- that is ridiculous to me. If you're using it, however, as a stepping-stone, or a motivator- well, then there is nothing wrong with that.
Anyone have some great tips for making my whites whiter?
P.S.- A few blog posts ago, (this one) I talked about how we were going to drive to meet a possible new puppy- I haven't posted anything up until this point, because I wanted to make sure it was a for sure thing, that Bandit and the new dog would get along- and they do! She's still getting used to us and the house, but I'm happy to introduce, new to our family, Nyxie!

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